Egg Color: White or Tinted: Egg Size: Medium: Egg Productivity: Medium: Feathered Legs: No: Rarity: Rare: Varieties: Silver Lakenvelder (black white black, blue white blue, brown white brown are being created) The hens are not broody. Add to Favorites . The distinctive plumage and markings of Lakenvelder chicken usually take until the third molting to fully appear. Vorwerk is the Dutch breed with the black gold black pattern. The breed seems to have been developed in the area of southern Holland and just over the border in Germany. Origin: The Lakenvelder chicken developed in the early 19th century near the border of Germany and the Netherlands.The word “Lakenvelder” translated from Dutch means “a shadow on a sheet,” which is fitting since the birds are white with black hackles and tails. And the rest of the bird is white in color with a pale blue-gray under-color. Their eggs are medium in size, weighing up to 50 grams each and white to tinted colored. Production: You can expect between 130-170 medium-sized eggs from each Lakenvelder hen. British Poultry Standards - Vorwerk (Large Fowl) American: Golden Lakenvelder. Guide to Poultry Breeds Characteristics: Chicks are hardy and mature quickly. It is a domesticated breed of chicken that comes from Nordrhein-Westfalen area of Germany and along/over the borders of The Netherlands. On and after April 1st, the minimum number of chicks required is 6 for selected breeds and 15 for all other chicks. A particular chicken will only lay one color egg her entire life, but each Easter Eggers could lay a different color egg for you. They are a lightweight active breed that is well adapted to free-ranging. There is a bantam variety available of this chicken breed. Also known as “Shadow on a Sheet,” Lakenvelder chickens are as beautiful as they are useful. The Lakenvelder is also known as “Shadow on Sheet” because of their feathers which are said to resemble a black shadow on a white board. These are one of the most beautiful in appearance of any of our rare varieties with their striking black and white markings and slate colored legs. Like their ancestors, Lakenvelder chickens are noted for egg production; their porcelain white eggs being quite plentiful and nicely shaped. The Lakenvelder is a flighty breed that is a good forager if allowed to free range. This breed was first recorded in 1727. Egg Color. Silver lakenvelder: black white black;blue white blue;brown white brown are being created.Buff white buff are being created but it is not a lakenvelderpattern genetically. The Dutch painter Van Gink wrote that as far back as 1727 the breed could be found near the village of Lakervelt, in the southeastern corner of Holland. Egg Production . The Cornish Cross is the preferred when picking a chicken for meat. They are an attractive breed of chicken with blue legs, deep red eyes, and long flowing tails. Once a popular dual-purpose bird revered for its pristine white eggs and very tasty tender white meat. Lakenvelder chickens were first shown in England in 1902, shortly after their arrival in that country. They have solid black head, neck hackle and tail, without spots, ticks or stripes. Lakenvelder chickens are early-maturing birds, that are very active and can be quite flighty. While it does well on range, it also bears confinement well. Lakenvelders are seldom broody, very active, flighty and lay a medium size egg. The eggs are said to be dark chocolate and occasionally speckled. They are good foragers and are most comfortable in free range system. Primary use: eggs Egg color -Good producer of white eggs. So it is that the ancestors of the Lakenvelder chicken arrived in Europe. The chicks produced by Lakenvelder eggs are some of the most visually striking, rare chicks. Lakenvelders, sometimes called silver lakenvelders, are a small, black and white breed of chicken, classified as a threatened breed. Lakenvelders have delicious tasting meat, though they are not plentifully fleshed with males weighing 5 lbs and females 4 lbs.. Lakenvelders are a non-broody breed of chicken. White. Like their ancestors, Lakenvelder chickens are noted for egg production; their porcelain white eggs being quite plentiful and nicely shaped. Fun Fact: Lakenvelder actually means Sheets in a Soil Field - the idea of "Shadow on a Sheet" was the nicknames they were given. We have the chicken breeds that are for meat. Are looking for some chickens with unique color pattern. Breed Colors/Varieties. * APPROX. The Lakenvelder or Lakenfelder is a breed of domestic chicken from the Nordrhein-Westfalen area of Germany and neighbouring areas of the Netherlands. Lakenvelder chicks are mostly creamy white with a half collar of black on the neck and sprinkling of black on the head and back. The name “Lakenvelder” translates as white spread over a black field; the term means a sheet (laken) across the field (veld). Storey's Illustrated They are great foragers, very active, and vary wary. You can mix and match any type of baby chick in your order to reach the applicable chick minimum order. Article on import of Lakenvelders to Australia from Queensland Times, Ipswich Herald and General Advertiser, Qld, Thursday 13 April 1905, page 8. - Carol Ekarius The history of Lakenvelder chickens is a bit clouded, but reveals an ancient lineage. Dark brown, but hatchery birds' eggs are not always dark. They are great foragers, very active, and vary wary. It has a small 4-5 pound body and is a good layer of small to medium a white or cream eggs. They can tolerate almost all climates. They're very rarely kept in the U.S., but those who do keep them do so as pets, for eggs and show only. Wait for youngsters to mature into their adult plumage before selection since juvenile plumage is not a reliable indicator of how they will look. This is a wonderful description of the Lakenvelder chicken breed – the birds being white with black hackles and tails. They tend to be flighty, wild and willing to forage. Breed Temperament. Want to raise some small sized layer chickens. They have dark horn beak and bright chestnut or red colored eyes. Some of the Ah-Brahman settled in Palestine, at the city of Armageddon, also known as Tel Megiddo – where they breed their fowl, valuing it primarily for the crow of the roosters and, later, for the eggs. The Lakenvelder is an old established breed of German/Dutch origin, having been known in that country since the eighteen thirties. The 2nd picture was taken without a flash and the forth with a flash The third picture is an egg from my CMs, but it is a weird/long shape. Characteristics of the breed are black head, collar, and tail, white body, white skin and slate colored legs. Breed of the Month: Lakenvelder chicken. Have pasture or garden and want to allow some chickens there. I have never seen ‘chocolate’ colored eggs from mine, but the eggs are a dark brown with very occasional speckles.They will lay through the winter so this makes them quite popular with some folks.The hens are not known for being particularly broody.Over the years of development, the color quality of the egg has suffered. Day Old Lakenvelder Baby Chicks Hatching February to July. The brown eggs in the top picture are the Marans eggs. Their active and wary nature is not unlike that of the Leghorn chicken breed. The hens usually have blue/gray colored down, are not noted for being good sitters, but rarely go broody. The breed’s first appearance in poultry shows was 1835, in West Hanover, and by 1860 was quite well known and bred in Westfalen and the Northern part of the Rhine province. Their active and wary nature is not unlike that of the Leghorn chicken breed. The black-and-white pattern of Lakenvelder chicken is similar to the coloring of the Lakenvelder cattle and goats, which originated in the same area. Prices listed are for babies age 1-6 days old. Some people claim the name ‘Lakenvelder’ means ‘field of linen’ or ‘shadow on a sheet’, but it is actually the name of the black and white color patten. And the breed was admitted to the American Poultry Association’s Standard of Perfection in 1939. Lakenvelder chicken is good for you if you……. Learn how your comment data is processed. Eggs may not be very dark, and the color does diminish as the laying season progresses. Our Lakenvelder Info: Our breeders were purchased from a Show in Florida. Good foragers, can be flighty. A good number of Lakenvelders need to be reared to select a few with reasonable plumage patterns. Lakenvelder chicken is a very beautiful variety that attracts a lot of attention because of its unique color pattern. And they are thought to be named after the town of Lakenvelt. These very rare white egg layers are quick, active and alert and will forage widely if allowed to run. In fact, you likely saw them listed in several of the above lists for that every reason. So while they are not considered to be prolific layers, they consistently lay an average amount of medium, light brown, eggs throughout the … The Silver Lakenvelder is a single comb, clean legged variety that originated in Germany. 3. In addition to their unique color, they are also very good egg layers. The Lakenvelder is thought to originate from the Westfalen area of Germany as long ago as the 1830s. Their medium sized single comb has five points, which stands uniquely upright on females. Purpose - Ornamental layer Weight: Female-4 lbs Male-5 lbs Add to cart to see quantity discounts at 25, 50 and 100 chicks. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. One of the first peoples to incorporate chicken eggs into baking was the Semites – creating the bagel. Silver Lakenvelders are beautiful, dual purpose birds and the hens do not tend to be broody. They are noted for egg production and are great foragers, very active, and vary wary. Flighty,Bears confinement well,Shy. Subscribe ROY'S FARM newsletter for news, updates and receiving notifications of new posts by email. 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Photo form Wikipedia. The Lakenvelder is a unique and rare breed that would add interest to any flock, all while producing lots of eggs for the table. While egg production isn’t optimal with Lakenvelders, they eat less food than larger breeds so you will have fewer expenses in keeping up with these birds. Hens rarely go broody. As an average layer, the Naked Neck chicken can provide their human families with approximately 3 eggs per week. Lakenvelder chickens are good layers and lay up to 160 eggs per year. Egg Size: ~1.6 oz Egg Color: white shell. Despite having a tasty flavored meat, the bird is so small to fill the table and usually used for egg production. Abroad there are several other varieties of Lakenvelders bred, but domestically Silver is the only variety (pictured below). It is an old chicken breed. While it may be true to say that the Lakenvelder chicken breed as we know it was developed in Holland and Germany, it is also true that its ancestry is much older. Are searching for some chickens which are good foragers and very good for free range. Egg Color: White Egg Size: Medium Avg # eggs: 180/yr Comb: Single. Very quick and active and foraging widely if allowed to run. As you may have gathered based on their size, Lakenvelders aren’t ideal for meat production. This Spanish breed is an exception to the rule that birds with white earlobes lay white eggs. Eggs can be speckled golden brown, dark brown, brown, light brown, and cream. The following table indicates shell colour by breed, but bear in mind that this is a generalisation for there is a great deal of variation between flocks of the same breed. A nice change from ordinary brown or tan eggs, cream or pale pink eggs will add some subtle variety to your egg basket. They are so named because they can lay a variety of shades of green (mint, pale, bright, olive), pinkish or cream eggs. The Silver Lakenvelder is a small breed of chicken that is not good for quality meat production, but they are fairly decent layers of medium-sized white or tinted eggs. The inner web of the wing primaries and secondaries is black. Lakenvelder. Meat Production . 280 MEDIUM EGGS/YEAR * EGG COLOR: WHITE * MATURE WT: MALE 5 LBS. The name Lakenvelder means white spread over a black field. Are looking for some chickens which are protective to flock and can prevent themselves from predators. The colour of eggshells is the result of pigments being deposited during egg formation within the oviduct. See full breed profile of Lakenvelder chicken bellow. They were first imported into Britain in 1901. Lakenvelder chicken is thought to originate from the Nordrhein-Westfalen area of Germany. Many people are worried about hormones in our foods, therefore decided to raise their own food.If you want to follow their lead, these are the chickens to raise. As noted above, some Easter Eggers will also lay cream or pink eggs, while others will lay green or bluish eggs. Prices go up $2 per week to cover the cost of feed and electricity. The name is referred to as “a shadow under a sheet.” Silver Lakenvelders are shy with humans and not aggressive with other … The hens lay white eggs and are non-setters. Blue buff blue were created in Holland but now probably extinct. The Barnevelder will give you 3-4 large brown eggs each week. This breed was originally bred for its egg production but is kept now mostly for its beautiful plumage, active nature, and as an exhibition birds. Light Sussex, Mottled Javas, Australorps, Buff Orpingtons, Silkies, and Faverolles all lay a pinkish-cream egg. Lakenvelders tend to be somewhat smaller than breeds raised for meat. Lakenvelders are beautiful, small white chickens draped in black on their neck, wings and tails. They have almond shaped white earlobes and the legs are slate-blue in color and featherless. As a reminder, to help ensure a safe arrival to you, the minimum number of chicks for each order prior to April 1st is 25. On an average, Lakenvelder roosters weight up to 2.5 kg and hens up to 2 kg. Gold are known in Germany as Vorwerk, the rest of EU as Golden Lakenvelder and the Netherlands/Dutch have a very rare almost extinct version called "Blue Marked" Lakenvelder. When they do lay eggs, they are typically a white or cream-colored variety of a medium weight, being around 50 grams. Meat Breeds. ... Color of skin, white ; color of egg shells, white, sometimes tinted. Lakenvelder hens lay up to 160 tinted white eggs per year. $24.95. Hens produce a very dark chocolate egg similar to a Copper Marans egg color. Because of selective breeding problems, eggs are typically lighter than they were when the breed was initiated. Pullets just starting to produce eggs can lay a very dark chocolate egg very close to black but eggs tend to lighten as the season progresses. Some 2,000 years before the birth of Christ, there was an immigration of Indo-Aryan wise men whom upon arrival in Mesopotamia, became known as the Holy men of the Brahmaputra River, or Ah-Brahman. Also known as “Shadow on a Sheet,” Lakenvelder chickens are as beautiful as they are useful. Around 1 A.D., Jewish immigrants to Holland and Germany brought with them their Tel Megiddo chickens. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The Lakenvelder is a unique and rare breed that would add interest to any flock, all while producing lots of eggs for the table. These men brought with them, from the Indus Valley, the first domestic chickens. They have a very distinct and unique feather with a strongly contrasting black-on-white pattern. Lakenvelders are a relatively small, light-boned breed. FEMALE 4 LBS. Although the breed arrived to America about 1900, they were not admitted to the American Poultry Association’s Standard of Perfection until 1939. Their breast is unusually plump and round, almost like wild game birds and the skin color is white. The face, comb and wattles of Lakenvelder chicken are of bright red color. They are also known as Shadow on a Sheet. The type of pigment depends upon the breed and is genetically determined. Lakenvelder (chicken) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Lakenvelder Young Lakenvelder hens (in foreground) Conservatio The breed is found only with single combs of medium size and, interestingly, those of the females uniquely stand erect. Egg Productivity Medium Egg Size Medium Egg Color Light Brown Breed Temperament Flighty, easily handled, bears confinement well Breed Colors/Varieties Black buff black sometimes called Golden Lakenvelder in the US. Lakenvelder chicken is a medium size egg laying breed. Bird Size-Rooster: 5lbs Hens: 4lbs. Lakenvelder chickens don’t do well and tend to be nervous and uncomfortable in confinement. These Dutch birds are thought to be named after the town of Lakenvelt, but they were developed in Germany. Their name means, when translated from Dutch, "a shadow on a sheet". 4. Lakenvelder hens lay plenty of white eggs (around 190 eggs per year, weighing up to 50 g per each), but they rarely go broody. Stand erect they were when the breed was initiated admitted to the that! Select a few with reasonable plumage patterns as you may have gathered based on their,... Farm newsletter for news, updates and receiving notifications of new posts by email Orpingtons, Silkies, and rest. For egg production breeding problems, eggs are medium in size, up. Approximately 3 eggs per year are as beautiful as they are noted for being good sitters, but Silver! Down, are not always dark medium EGGS/YEAR * egg color: white * WT! Lakenvelder is thought to be broody an exception to the coloring of the Netherlands sometimes tinted gathered! 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Aggressive with other … Add to cart to see quantity discounts at 25 50...