The historical kingdom of Benin was established in the forested region of West Africa in the 1200s C.E. mey (də-hō′mē, dä-ô-mā′) A country of western Africa. During the 13th century, the indigenous Edo people were run by a group of local chieftains. If a media asset is downloadable, a download button appears in the corner of the media viewer. Porto-Novo is the capital and Cotonou the largest city. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. 4. in western Africa, in what is now Nigeria. Benin (officially called the Republic of Benin) is a country in Africa.The capital of Benin is Porto-Novo.The government is based in Cotonou, the country's largest city.Most people live on the small southern coastline on the Bight of Benin.. Because Benin was colonized by France and is still close to it, the official language of Benin is French.Languages such as Fon and Yoruba are commonly spoken. Europeans began arriving in the area in the 18th century, as the kingdom of Dahomey was expanding its territory. His son Eweka is regarded as the first oba, or king, of Benin, though authority would remain for many years with a hereditary order of local chiefs. 13th–19th century). Geography, Human Geography, Social Studies, Ancient Civilizations, World History. ... Benin: Meaning and Definition of. It is not to be confused with Benin, the modern-day nation-state. The kingdom of Benin began in the 900s when the Edo people settled in the rainforests of West Africa. Benin Kingdom began as a group of small villages situated in the rainforests of West Africa. Benin was a French colony from the late 19th century until 1960. Code of Ethics. three-dimensional artwork that is carved, molded, or modeled to create its shape. Benin — gen. Beninin: genitive Beninin — partitive Beniniä — inessive Beninissä — elative Beninistä — … Examples of Oba in the following topics: Benin. According to history, the Edo people of southern Nigeria founded Benin. They no longer wanted to be ruled by their kings, known as the ogisos. In order to gain improved trading and security, some of the villages made a decision to join together as a conglomerate around AD 900. Before 1975, the Republic of Benin was known as Dahomey, its French colonial name. Buy Historical Dictionary of Benin (Historical Dictionaries of Africa) Fourth by Houngnikpo, Mathurin C., Decalo, Samuel (ISBN: 9780810871717) from Amazon's Book Store. Omissions? The Benin Kingdom Creation Story How did the people of Benin Kingdom believe the world began? Some of the characteristic features of Yoruba culture emerged during that time: a monarchical system based on city-states…. Learn more about the history, geography, and culture of Benin in this article. The height of power for Benin’s monarchs began during this period. hard, white substance that forms the teeth or tusks of some animals. Benin is named after the body of water on which it lies – the ‘Bight of Benin’. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. Typically made from bronze, brass, clay, ivory, terracotta, or wood, works of art were produced mainly for the court of the Oba (king) of Benin. carving or sculpture in which figures project slightly from a flat background. land an animal, human, or government protects from intruders. The audio, illustrations, photos, and videos are credited beneath the media asset, except for promotional images, which generally link to another page that contains the media credit. If you have questions about how to cite anything on our website in your project or classroom presentation, please contact your teacher. During the trans-Atlantic slave trade, a large number of slaves were shipped to the New World. They asked a prince from Ife, an important West African kingdom, to take control. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. The descendants of Benin’s ruling dynasty still occupy the throne in Benin City (although the present-day oba has only an advisory role in government). Jeanna Sullivan, National Geographic Society, Sarah Appleton, National Geographic Society The first oba, or king, in Benin was Eweka. © 1996 - 2021 National Geographic Society. After that time, the kingdom no longer played a governing role in West Africa. By the 1400s they had created a wealthy kingdom with a powerful ruler, known as the Oba. Develop your knowledge and understanding of world history by finding out about the culture of the Benin Civilisation. It also profited greatly from the slave trade. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree.... Ife, which flourished between the 11th and 15th centuries, emerged as a major power in the forested areas west of the Niger and south of... Ife, which flourished between the 11th and 15th centuries, emerged as a major power in the forested areas west of the Niger and south of Hausaland. In the early modern era, Benin was also heavily involved in the West African slave trade. Washington, DC 20036, National Geographic Society is a 501 (c)(3) organization. learned behavior of people, including their languages, belief systems, social structures, institutions, and material goods. The obasbrought great prosperity and a highly organised state to Benin. The historical kingdom of Benin was established in the forested region of West Africa in the 1200s C.E. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. The Kingdom of Benin, (also known as the Edo Kingdom, or the Benin Empire) was a kingdom in West Africa in what is now southern Nigeria. Established by King Sundiata Keita, known as the “Lion King,” the Mali Empire brought wealth, culture, and Islamic faith to West Africa. No one knows for sure. Was he invited? Under these obas Benin became a highly organized state. 3. Its numerous craftsmen were organized into guilds, and the kingdom became famous for its ivory and wood carvers. The Benin Kingdom was "one of the oldest and most highly developed states in the coastal hinterland of West Africa". (Lagos was in fact founded by a Benin army and continued to pay tribute to the oba of Benin until the end of the 19th century.) Tradition asserts that the Edo people became dissatisfied with the rule of a dynasty of semimythical kings, the ogisos, and in the 13th century they invited Prince Oranmiyan of Ife to rule them. The Rights Holder for media is the person or group credited. For information on user permissions, please read our Terms of Service. Benin in British English. Late in the 13th century, royal power began to assert itself under the oba Ewedo and was firmly established under the most famous oba, Ewuare the Great (reigned c. 1440–80), who was described as a great warrior and magician. National Geographic Headquarters Bordered by Togo, Burkina Faso, Niger, and Nigeria, Benin has a 121-kilometer-long coastline on the Gulf of Guinea, a population of close to 11.53 million (2018), and an average life expectancy of 61.2 years.Benin’s economy is heavily reliant on the informal re-export and transit trade with Nigeria (estimated at approximately 20% of GDP), and on agriculture, especially cotton, which is … A desire for control over West African trade and territory ultimately led to a British invasion of Benin in 1897. Under the dynasty established by Ewuare the Great, Benin's territory expanded to cover a region between the Niger Delta and what is now the Nigerian city of Lagos. He established a hereditary succession to the throne and vastly expanded the territory of the Benin kingdom, which by the mid-16th century extended from the Niger River delta in the east to what is now Lagos in the west. According to history, the Edo people of southern Nigeria founded Benin. The Portuguese, the French, and the Dutch established trading posts along the coast (Porto-Novo, Ouidah, Cotonou), and traded weapons for slaves. However, even today, the oba still serves in Benin City as a government advisor. The people of Beninare called as Beninese. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Mansa Musa (Musa I of Mali) was the king of the ancient empire of Mali in West Africa. Find definitions for: Be•nin. From the 15th through the 18th century Benin carried on an active trade in ivory, palm oil, and pepper with Portuguese and Dutch traders, for whom it served as a link with tribes in the interior of western Africa. Benin was the seat of one of the great medieval African kingdoms called Dahomey. (bɛˈniːn ) noun. 1145 17th Street NW It consists chiefly of coastal lagoons and swamps in the south, a fertile plain and marshes in the centre, and the Atakora Mountains in the northwest. See more. Benin was the seat of one of the great medieval African kingdoms. 13th–19th century). If you have questions about licensing content on this page, please contact for more information and to obtain a license. noun. A kingdom is a piece of land that is ruled by a king or a queen. family of musical instruments whose tone is produced by vibration of the lips. destruction or surrender of something as way of honoring or showing thanks. The kingdom’s prosperity declined with the suppression of the slave trade, and, as its territorial extent shrank, Benin’s leaders increasingly relied on supernatural rituals and large-scale human sacrifices to protect the state from further territorial encroachment. To honor the powerful obas, the people of Benin participated in many rituals that expressed their devotion and loyalty, including human sacrifices.Artists of the Benin Kingdom were well known for working in many materials, particularly brass, wood, and ivory. Ring in the new year with a Britannica Membership, This article was most recently revised and updated by,, Art and Life in Africa - University of Iowa Museum of Art - Benin Kingdom, The British Museum - Benin: an African kingdom, kingdom of Benin - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up). Identification. Benin, one of the principal historic kingdoms of the western African forest region (fl. Brass plaques and sculptures have been created by the Edo (known also as the Bini), the indigenous people of the Benin Empire, as early as the 13th century, prior to their contact with Europeans. Pronunciation: (be-nēn"), Benin definition: 1. a country in West Africa 2. a country in West Africa. series of customs or procedures for a ceremony, often religious. Learn more about the world with our collection of regional and country maps. The Benin creation story has it that the universe was covered with water and at the middle of the water there was a tree and on this tree there lived a bird called Owonwon.At some point, the creator Osanobua decided to populate the earth so he sent down his three sons whom he gave the choice of selecting one special gift each. Learn more. According to oral tradition, Oranyan came to power because he married a local chief's daughter and formed a kinship connection that led to ruling rights. History of the Benin People – The Benin Creation Story. Terms of Service |  Inflection of Benin (Kotus type 5/risti, no gradation) nominative Benin — genitive Beninin — partitive Beniniä — illative Beniniin — singular plural nominative Benin — accusative nom. Benin became independentfrom France on August 1, 1960. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. You cannot download interactives. The oba became the supreme political, judicial, economic, and spiritual leader of his people, and he and his ancestors eventually became the object of state cults that utilized human sacrifice in their religious observances. Empire definition, a group of nations or peoples ruled over by an emperor, empress, or other powerful sovereign or government: usually a territory of greater extent than a kingdom, as the former British Empire, French Empire, Russian Empire, Byzantine Empire, or Roman Empire. She or he will best know the preferred format. In its weakened state, Benin struggled to resist foreign interference in its trading network, particularly by the British. Corrections? While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. According to the story, in the beginning God created the world and everything in it. Updates? Atlas » Learn more about the world with our collection of regional and country maps. Tradition asserts that the Edo people became dissatisfied with the rule of a dynasty of semimythical kings, the ogisos, and in the 13th century they invited Prince Oranmiyan of Ife to rule Benin, country of western Africa. Its brass smiths and bronze casters excelled at making naturalistic heads, bas-reliefs, and other sculptures. 1. a republic in W Africa, on the Bight of Benin, a section of the Gulf of Guinea: in the early 19th century a powerful kingdom, famed for its women warriors; became a French colony in 1893, gaining independence in 1960. The Kingdom of Benin's capital was Edo, now known as Benin City in Edo state. Civil wars broke out, dealing a significant blow to both Benin’s administration as well as its economy. series of rulers from one family or group. Ewuare was succeeded by a line of strong obas, chief of whom were Ozolua the Conqueror (c. 1481–c. They no longer wanted to be ruled by their kings, known as the ogisos. Benin, one of the principal historic kingdoms of the western African forest region (fl. Originally made up of several ancient kingdoms colonized by France in the 19th century, it became independent in 1960 and was renamed Benin in 1975. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. Here, a bas-relief of an Oba in ceremonial dress and weapons, which decorated the palace of the obas. He was the son of the prince from Ife.The kingdom reached its greatest power and size under Oba Ewuare the Great. These pieces of metalwork were produced using a process known as lost-wax casting, a technique that was discovered as early as the Copper Age. The three main kingdoms (created by the Fon) were that of Allada, founded in the 16th century, it was the most powerful kingdom in … Use the flipchart or powerpoint to explore what was happening in West Africa at that time.Take a look at this brilliant African History Timeline for Kids. 2. French colonisation came in 18… a republic in W Africa, on the Bight of Benin, a section of the Gulf of Guinea: in the early 19th century a powerful kingdom, famed for its women warriors; became a French colony in 1893, gaining independence in 1960. historic kingdom of West Africa (modern Nigeria) that flourished between the 13th and 19th centuries; descendants of the ruling dynasty still serve as kings, or obas, though they only serve as advisors to the government of Nigeria. All rights reserved. Join our community of educators and receive the latest information on National Geographic's resources for you and your students. Produced over the course of roughly 500 years, the Benin bronzes provide an aesthetically rich record of life in the thriving Benin kingdom, located in the tropical forests of what is now south-central Nigeria. It has often been remarked that the Benin Bronzes are some of the best examples of sculptures pro… Any interactives on this page can only be played while you are visiting our website. The capital region of the country and the area nearby was referred as ‘Slave Coast’ from as early as the 17thcentury. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. It consists chiefly of coastal lagoons and swamps in the south, a fertile plain and marshes in the centre, and the Atakora Mountains in the … Once rulers, oba still hold prestigious positions in Benin as government advisors. When he had finished his creation, he decided to send his sons to be kings to rule over different parts of the world. Start studying ap world history ch 20 vocab. They show the evolution of the empire’s second dynasty, which is believed to have begun in the 13th century and continues to this day. When you reach out to him or her, you will need the page title, URL, and the date you accessed the resource. Artisans also carved many different ivory objects, including masks and, for their European trade partners, salt cellars.The success of Benin was fueled by its lively trade. This trade provided a significant source of wealth for the kingdom.Benin began to lose power during the 1800s, as royal family members fought for power and control of the throne. Benin City was known as the capital of the Kingdom of Benin. The practice of human sacrifice was stamped out only after the burning of Benin City in 1897 by the British, after which the depopulated and debilitated kingdom was incorporated into British Nigeria. Nobility is a social class normally ranked immediately below royalty and found in some societies that have a formal aristocracy.Nobility is an estate of the realm that possesses more acknowledged privilege and higher social status than most other classes in society. Sustainability Policy |  In either case, during O… Benin was thus the first African country to effect successfully the transition from dictatorship to a pluralistic political system. He expanded the kingdom and improved the capital, present-day Benin City; the city was defined by massive walls. Yorba People in West Africa who developed a group of city-states, each within a walled town and ruled by an oba or king./Some of the kings of the Yoruba city-states were women. Shortly after statehood was established, a foreign official named Oranyan became leader of Benin. Margot Willis, National Geographic Society. They would capture men, women, and children from rival peoples and sell them into slavery to European and American buyers. 1504; the son of Ewuare) and Esigie (early to mid-16th century; the son of Ozolua), who enjoyed good relations with the Portuguese and sent ambassadors to their king. The weaker obas sequestered themselves in their palaces and took refuge in the rituals of divine kingship while indiscriminately granting aristocratic titles to an expanding class of nonproductive nobles. Privacy Notice |  The history of Benin is a succession of several kingdoms, it was the seat of Dahomey, one of the great medieval African kingdoms. The kingdom of Benin from History of the Kingdom of Benin from The Nine Ancient Gates of Benin Culture from A timeline of world history from World history from The kingdom of Benin was a small, highly centralized state in West Africa ruled by a warrior king./The king of Benin patronized the artists who created brass sculptures. They asked a prince from Ife, an important West African kingdom, to take control. Gina Borgia, National Geographic Society But during the 18th and early 19th centuries the kingdom was weakened by violent succession struggles between members of the royal dynasty, some of which erupted into civil wars. They were famous for their bas-relief sculptures, particularly plaques, and life-size head sculptures. Photograph by Heritage Image Partnership Ltd. Tradesmen and artisans from Benin developed relationships with the Portuguese, who sought after the kingdom’s artwork, gold, ivory, and pepper. Ewuare also rebuilt the capital (present-day Benin City), endowing it with great walls and moats. The Kingdom of Benin prospered from the 1200s to the 1800s C.E. 1. However, by the 15th century, a single ruler, known as the oba, had asserted control. If no button appears, you cannot download or save the media. buying, selling, or exchanging of goods and services. Benin City was burned by the British, who then made the kingdom part of British Nigeria (which became Nigeria after the country gained independence in 1960). The Benin Kingdom was pre-colonial kingdom that came into being sometime during 1180 AD. Others argue that this story is just a cover-up and that Oranyan's rise to power was most likely the result of an invasion. The plaques typically portrayed historical events, and the heads were often naturalistic and life size. Text on this page is printable and can be used according to our Terms of Service. Three years after the coup that brought Major Kérékou to power, the name was changed to the People's Republic of Benin, reflecting the Marxist-Leninist ideology of the new government. [5] In the second round of National Assembly elections held in March 1995, Zoglo's political vehicle, the Parti de la Renaissance du Benin, was … It was formed around the 11th century AD", and lasted until it was annexed by the British Empire in 1897. Know the preferred format sons to be ruled by a king or a.... West Africa '' result of an invasion contact your teacher Civilizations, world history by out... Pronunciation: ( be-nēn '' ), mey ( də-hō′mē, dä-ô-mā′ ) a country of Africa! Result of an oba in ceremonial dress and weapons, which decorated the of! Molded, or exchanging of goods and services group credited had asserted control and... If no button appears, you are visiting our website in your project or presentation. 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